Alan Thompson, MD, FRCP, University College London (UCL), will address “Overcoming the Challenge of Progressive MS,” on Saturday, May 30th at 8:00 a.m., during the Donald Paty Memorial Lecture at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) Annual Meeting, May 27-30, 2015 in Indianapolis, IN. The 29th Annual CMSC Meeting is the only event in North America that provides health care professionals, from a wide range of disciplines, with the latest information, treatment advancements, and research in multiple sclerosis.
Currently Dean of the UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences, and Program Director for Neurological Disorders, UCL Partners Academic Health Science Centre, one of Dr. Thompson’s principal research areas is Progressive MS and the understanding of the pathological mechanisms that result in neurological disability and recovery. “The challenges for developing an effective treatment for Progressive MS are numerous,” according to Dr. Thompson, “and during my lecture, I will help define the diagnosis and underlining symptoms, discuss current trial medicines and some opportunities for the future.”
Dr. Thompson will also discuss the mission of the International Progressive MS Alliance, an organization that has united MS Societies and clinical academics worldwide and encourages them to focus on and overcome the barriers delaying the much-needed research for Progressive MS.
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