Document a Record Of Your MS!

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related


Written by a writer/patient from MSUNITES

Documenting your multiple sclerosis might seem like a real depressing thing to engage in but there is good reason for it.  Whether you have been recently diagnosed with MS or have had MS for many years its never too late to start documenting.
First, having a record of MS can be highly beneficial to your health care team in seeing if your MS is progressing and how fast if at all progression is taking place.  While we might forget this symptom happened 3 weeks ago and that one 6 weeks ago your neurologist and health care team see things very different.  Lets face it, some of us have memory issues (I do!).  Some of us have cognitive issues (I do!) and some of us forget to tell our health care professionals when the time comes for a appointment to take place (I do!).
Atop this, our health care teams do not necessarily have the time to sit down with us and enter into discussions of symptoms we are experiencing.  While that might seem rather crass, after all, it is their job, we are not the only patients scheduled for a given day.  In fact just as with any business they try and schedule it.  So if I am yackin’ away as to how my leg has felt weak and I did this and some of that.  It was better last week than this week and I want to know whats going on etc.  I could be speaking for quite sometime.
Most clinicians take work home with them and some set a time daily or weekly to sit down and review patients coming in for the week.  In other words they try and maximize the time they have with you to get as much accomplished as they can.  They may plan to spend an hour with you and a half hour with me depending upon what reasons we are coming into the office related to our MS.

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