Alternative Medicine and Complementary Care for MS

Stuart SchlossmanComplementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Alternative and complementary treatments can help with MS symptoms like pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. Research is still new, so they haven’t been fully tested yet. But many people say they get relief from them.


In this therapy, a professional inserts thin needles into specific points in your body.
Does it work? “We don’t have a lot of data,” says Matthew McCoyd, MD, a neurologist and MS specialist at Loyola University Medical Center. Doctors need to study more people with MS who use acupuncture to know for sure.
Some small studies have found that acupuncture can ease pain, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, bladder problems, and depression.
Although it may help your symptoms, there’s no evidence that it reduces how often you get MS flare-ups or slows the disease.
Is it safe? It generally is when you get it from a well-trained, licensed professional.


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