The Benefits of Vitamin D

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related, Vitamins and Supplements


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Vitamin D – Wonder Pill or Overkill?

Can one vitamin build stronger bones, help you lose weight, and protect against diabetes, depression, and more? Hopes are high. Get the facts.

Wouldn’t it be great if one vitamin could build stronger bones and protect against diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and depression? Or even help you lose weight? Researchers have high hopes for vitamin D — which comes from our skin’s reaction to sunlight, a few foods, and supplements. Learn the facts in the slides ahead … and see who’s at risk for a “D” deficiency.

Vitamin D is critical for strong bones, from infancy into old age. It helps the body absorb calcium from food. In older adults, a daily dose of “D” and calcium helps to prevent fractures and brittle bones. Children need “D” to build strong bones and prevent rickets, a cause of bowed legs, knock knees, and weak bones. Adding the vitamin to milk in the 1930s helped to nearly eliminate rickets.

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