Meditation is the simplest thing … and that’s why it can be so difficult.
The following meditation tips will help you to avoid some common pitfalls beginners face, and build a strong foundation for your practice.
When you are ready to start, we offer a number free online guided meditations.
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Before You Meditate
Attempting to jump straight from a busy work day into a silent peaceful state of deep rest is a bit overly optimistic.
Instead, by taking a little time to prepare for your meditation you can give yourself the gift of a deeper and more pleasant experience.
Airplane mode
Possibly the most important meditation ritual of our time – put your phone on airplane mode. There’s no better way to ruin a meditation than by leaving your phone on and getting a call or text in the middle. So turn off your phone or put it on airplane mode as soon as you get ready to meditate. Still have a corded phone? Unplug it!
Warm-up your body with yoga or light exercise
Before starting your meditation do a few warm-ups or beginner’s yoga exercises. These will help to improve circulation, remove any inertia or restlessness, and will make your body feel lighter. At the least, take a walk around your building or office.
A short warm-up before meditation will also allow you to sit peacefully for a longer period time.
Calm the mind with breathing exercises
You can also do a few rounds of a yoga breathing exercise, such as Nadi Shodhan pranayama as well. Learning a simple breathing exercise like this can make meditation significantly easier.
Why, you ask? Because the breath is so connected to our mind and emotions, as soon as you slow and steady the rhythm of your breath, it quickly leads the mind into a peaceful, meditative state.
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