IT’S RELEASE DAY FOR KINKY BRIEFS, THRICE! A Collection of short stories dedicated to MS warriors

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

For immediate release:  September 8, 2017
For more information, contact:
Collection of short stories
dedicated to MS warriors  
MILWAUKEE, WIKinky Briefs, Thrice, the third collection
of sizzling short stories by former lawyer Seelie Kay, and released today by eXtasy
Books, is not only dedicated to MS warriors, it also features a story about a
lawyer newly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

says it’s her favorite story in Kinky
Briefs, Thrice
. “Munk is a character near and dear to my heart, not only
because we both suffer from MS, but because she chooses to confront the illness
from a position of strength,” Kay said. 
“Instead of giving up after her diagnosis, Munk seeks ways to adjust to
her new limitations to ensure that she does not sacrifice her own hopes and
dreams.  And one of those dreams is a
healthy and lasting relationship—love.”

said when confronted with a chronic illness, you begin to question everything
in your life, including your relationships. “You honestly don’t know who will
stay in your life and who will flee,” she said. “The fear is that you will wind
up isolated and alone.  I wanted to write
this particular story to reflect what I perceive to be the right way to
interact with someone who has been newly-diagnosed with a disability. ”

            She dedicates the
, “To my fellow MS Warriors: For
continuing to aggressively battle against a cruel and sometimes devastating
disease, as a patient, advocate, volunteer, caregiver, family member, and/or
medical professional.”  Kay says many
people play a positive role in the life of someone who suffers from MS, and she
wanted to thank them for their efforts.

MS affects everyone differently, the search for a cure has been arduous,” Kay
said.  “But I have faith that working
together, we will find a cure.          

third book in the Kinky Briefs
series continues the theme of kinky beginnings, happy endings, and sizzling
encounters with lawyers in love. “From a randy AG who uses his cycle to woo a
young law firm associate to a Sheikh and lawyer in a fight for their lives, or
a kinky lawyer struggling to adapt to a diagnosis of a crippling, chronic illness
and a rowdy fantasy about a new sheriff in town, each lawyer attacks life with
humor and passion, always ready to embrace just a dash of kink,” says Kay.
“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might even blush, but one thing’s for certain,
when you’re done reading, you’ll run out and buy a set of handcuffs!”      

stories include a cowboy with PTSD, a private investigator/paralegal who gets
in involved with a Hollywood action hero, and two attorneys trying to find a
work-life balance in their lives after they  become new parents.  “I bring back some characters from previous
books, such as the lawyer who ran off with the circus in Kinky Briefs, as well as the Sheikh and international law attorney
from Wisconsin, whose relationship began in Kinky Briefs and continued in
Kinky Briefs, Too
,”  Kay said.  “In addition, The Garage Dweller returns, this time with disastrous results.”

book ends with “a story of love redeemed—a couple who found love early in life,
lost it, and finally reclaim it,” she added. “I love happy endings.”

            Kinky Briefs, Thrice, published by
eXtasy Books, is currently available on their website (  It will
also be sold by other major booksellers, including Barnes & Noble, and  It will be available
primarily as an ebook, but will also be sold in paperback by select
booksellers, Kay says.
For more
information, visit or follow Kay on Twitter or Facebook.
is also an MS warrior:  She writes,
despite MS.

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