Homecare Assistance Grants

Stuart SchlossmanAccess to Care, Additional MS resource sites, News from the MS Foundation

MS Focus understands the daily needs and challenges that must be met by both those with MS and their caregivers. In order to meet these needs in the most timely and efficient way possible, our Homecare Assistance Grant connects you to the best available local services. Should resources within your community not be available, direct support may be provided on a temporary basis.

Available Services include

  • Home Care – Personal hygiene services, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and transportation to and from appointments are all services that can be provided for a limited time.
  • Therapy Visits – Based upon individual need, an appointment with an occupational, physical, or speech therapist can be arranged. Through education and training, these therapists can help to foster independence, self-esteem, and better quality of life for the person living with MS.
  • Respite Care –  Respite allows primary caregivers the opportunity to tend to themselves, or other family business, with the assurance that their loved one is being cared for by a properly trained individual. This service is provided on a short-term basis for a scheduled period of time. 
  • Coming Home – Returning home from a stay at the hospital can be a difficult time of transition. We offer a four-hour visit from an aide who will meet the patient at the hospital, provide transportation home, and then get the patient settled comfortably at home.

Print Application Online Application 

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