Searching for MS Genes

Stuart SchlossmanMS Genetic Research

Research suggests that MS occurs in individuals and in families whose genes make them susceptible to developing the disease, and that many genes contribute to MS susceptibility.

Moving MS Genetics Forward To a World Free of MS

Ending MS can’t come fast enough and one key to ending MS is our focus on genes that help make people susceptible to developing MS. Research suggests that MS occurs in individuals and in families whose genes make them susceptible, and that many genes contribute to MS susceptibility. In addition, individuals who are genetically at risk must encounter some other triggering factor or factors in their environment to actually develop MS.
Pinpointing and understanding “MS genes” is important because• it will provide key information regarding the cause of the disease and therefore how to prevent it• genes that are associated with MS may be targets for the development of new therapies• if we could identify those people who have a strong genetic predisposition to the disease, we might be able to intervene at its earliest stages or prevent MS.

Ending MS: Making it happen

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