How YOU Can Help Me Use My Voice as a Courageous Warrior

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

MS Patient Story
Written By: Cathy Chester – An Empowered Spirit

I never intended to share so much of myself with readers when I first created An Empowered Spirit, to reveal my hidden feelings, experiences, hopes, and dreams. I know it’s something good writers are supposed to do but it was difficult for me. Then I read a book that forever changed me, Elizabeth Lesser’s “Broken Open.” Her words gave me the courage to be frank, open and honest in my writing. In return, I’ve been rewarded with readers who tell me that my work as a health advocate has helped them feel less alone, more empowered and forever grateful.   
“Every catastrophe can hand us exactly what we need to awaken into who we really are.” ~Elizabeth Lesser
I’m about to break myself open again for a good reason. 
 I recently relocated to a new area of N.J. where I know almost no one. Being a freelance writer can be a lonely profession, so in my quest to meet new people I joined a wonderful organization called B.I.G. (Believe Inspire Grow) whose mission is, among other things, to help women live the way they were meant to live by providing inspiration, tools, community, and a whole lot more. I’ve met many wonderful, inspiring women and attended some fascinating and informative presentations.



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