What is a Spinal Tap (aka Lumbar Puncture) for Multiple Sclerosis?

Stuart SchlossmanBoster's MS Corner, Multiple Sclerosis

IN this video, Dr. Boster will teach you about cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and how it relates to Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He will answer questions such as:

What exactly is CSF?
What are the functions of CSF?
What is a Spinal Tap? (and I share 3 pro tips for LP headaches!)
How does CSF help diagnose PPMS?
How does CSF help diagnose Relapsing MS?

AND if you watch until the end…how we may soon be able to monitor response to MS treatment through a new-future biomarker, neurofilament light chain!

If you’d like answers to these questions, start watching this video now! Please leave your comments and questions below.


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