Help us to help those with Multiple Sclerosis in Rural America

Stuart SchlossmanFUNDRAISING, MS in Rural America, Multiple Sclerosis

Dear Friends:

The organization which I founded (MS Views and News) is trying hard to make a difference to those living with / affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Rural America,

Help us to bring educational programs to underserved areas with great need. Thousands with Multiple Sclerosis, live in areas where MS educational programs have never been held.

Please Give to our Rural America fund by clicking here:

These thousands of individuals often do not even know of the latest and newest MS medications, therapies and treatments which can possibly keep them ‘moving’..
People in Rural America need to be provided with MS educational programs.

This is why We Need YOUR help. —
Please click the link showing above and give whatever you can, to help us, help others.. –

All contributions are tax deductible to fullest extent allowed by law

~~~ Thank you ~~~

Visit our MS Learning Channel on YouTube: