New CDC Registry to Monitor MS and Parkinson’s Prevalence and Disease Trends

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's info

The National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System creates a mechanism for tracking neurological disorders and identifying environmental triggers.
By Brian P. Dunleavy

A new national MS and Parkinson’s disease registry promises better understanding of those neurological diseases.
A new national MS and Parkinson’s disease registry promises better understanding of those neurological diseases.
iStock (2)

December 18, 2018

There’s strength in numbers.

That’s at least part of the reason why advocates for those with multiple sclerosis (MS)are excited by the recent announcement by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the creation of a registry for those with neurological conditions, including MS and Parkinson’s disease. The National MS Society (NMSS), among others, have been pushing lawmakers and federal officials to allocate funding for this type of program for more than a decade.

“Having a better understanding of the exact prevalence of MS can help us get a better understanding of the possible causes of the disorder as well as how it manifests,” notes Nicholas LaRocca, PhD, the vice president for healthcare delivery and policy research at NMSS. “It also provides us with a bigger cudgel, if you will, to raise awareness of MS and lobby on behalf of those with the disorder so they can get the attention and resources they deserve.”

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