A Love Triangle: Her, Him and MS

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

By The National MS Society                                            
Building a successful relationship is hard work. Throw MS into the equation, and it can be even more challenging.We talked to Kate and Frank, married for over 10 years, to discuss how MS affects their relationship and family life.How has MS changed you as a person? Kate: As a care-partner, MS has made me more aware that every day is unique, and one bad day does not mean that another will follow. I can say this now, a few years into our new life as an MS family. But when we had a baby and a toddler while learning how to maneuver through a diagnosis, I felt like one bad day would last forever. I try a little harder now to not dwell on one bad day, or even one bad morning. It’s also made me “try” to take better care of myself and recognize when I need a break. We’ve often prioritized Frank’s rest, and that meant that I would shoulder most of the responsibilities of our family and home. It’s taken a few years for all of us to realize that no one person can do everything and that I can only help others if I help myself sometimes first.
Click HERE to Register for the MS Beacon Newsletter Frank: MS has changed me in almost every way a person can change. It has given me a new approach to life and made me recognize and value the “good times” more than I ever have because there have been plenty of more challenging times. It has also changed me physically since I’ve been exercising more than I ever have.How has MS changed your marriage?

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