Why an MRI Is Used to Diagnose Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanMRI, Multiple Sclerosis

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If you have symptoms of MS, your doctor may order an MRI scan of your brain and spinal cord. The images produced allow doctors to see lesions in your CNS. Lesions show up as white or dark spots, depending on the type of damage and the type of scan.
MRI is noninvasive (meaning nothing is inserted into a person’s body) and doesn’t involve radiation. It uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to transmit information to a computer, which then translates the information into cross-sectional pictures.
Contrast dye, a substance that’s injected into your vein, can be used to make some types of lesions show up more clearly on an MRI scan.
Although the procedure is painless, the MRI machine makes a lot of noise, and you must lie very still for the images to be clear. The test takes about 45 minutes to an hour.
It’s important to note that the number of lesions shown on an MRI scan doesn’t always correspond to the severity of symptoms, or even whether you have MS. This is because not all lesions in the CNS are due to MS, and not all people with MS have visible lesions.


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