What role does your mind play in your wellness?

Stuart SchlossmanComplementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Healthcare Perspectives

Definition of mind = A person’s ability to think or reason; the intellect.

Under mind, there are 5 facets; Social, Behaviour, Intellectual, Psychological and Financial.

Mind wellness is very complex.the mind is vvery complex

The brain produces a substance that affects your health.

Negative feelings/thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronical stress that can cause hormone imbalance and deplete the brain’s chemicals required for happiness and also damage the immune system. Chronical stress can actually decrease our lifespan. But positive thoughts produce substances that can improve your health which includes endorphins. This is a natural pain killer and gamma globulin that strengthens your immune system.

 Having a healthy mindset is more important now because of these challenging times that we are facing, the uncertainty or out-of-control feelings. All we can do is to try and manage stress and anxiety the best we can and focus on the actions that are in our control.

We can use our minds as follows:
-Keep learning, A higher level of education is associated with better mental function in old age.
-Use all your senses.
-Prioritize your brain use.
-Repeat what you want to know.
-Space it out.

Having a theory of the mind is important as it can provide the ability to predict and interpret others’ behaviour.

Why is mindset important in your Wellness? Because your mindset determines what you, and your life, will become.

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