An MS Educational Skit (with MS Neuros Thrower & Boster), that will Help You Learn about The Immune System and Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanDiversity & Inclusion, Facts of MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms, Multiple Sclerosis Videos


* – Watch as Dr. Ben Thrower plays “Multiple Sclerosis (MS)” (the Invader)

and Dr. Aaron Boster plays “The Human Body’s Nervous System” (a person with MS)

*** “WATCH this event from the Beginning”, to understand what these two doctors are doing to make this event understandable to You, the viewer….
This video is an MS Educational, (entertaining) SKIT to Help You Learn about The Immune System And How MS is affected and Defended…
Watch, then turn-others, on to this New way of learning

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